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Product information "Dynavox High End LS Kabel 2x1,5m"
High End Lautsprecherkabel Hochwertiges Premium Lautsprecherkabel. Innenleiter OFC-Kupfer (6 x 40 Adern je Kanal), Leitungswiderstand 3,8 Ohm/km. Mit auswechselbaren 24K vergoldeten, verschraubten Verbindern (Kabelschuhe und Bananenstecker). Kabeldurchmesser ca. 13 mm, Adern-Querschnitt 2 x 2,5mm2, Nylonaußengeflecht, hochverdichteter, interner Aufbau der Isolation in Sandwichbauweise (Materialien PVC, PET, PET-Papier, LD-PE und PP) für maximale Rauschunterdrückung, Hochleistungszugentlastung, Stickstoffeingespritztes Dielektrikum fu¨r maximale Signalstärke. Verpackung in hochwertiger Hartkartonbox mit Sichtfenster.
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Safety information:
- Regularly check all cords for damage, cracks, or exposed wires. Use only intact cords to avoid short circuits and electrical shock.
- Route cords so they do not create a trip hazard. Use cable channels or ties to keep cords organized and secure.
- Keep cords away from water sources and damp environments to avoid short circuits and electrical hazards.
- Be careful not to pinch cords under doors or crush them under heavy furniture, as this can cause damage.
- When outdoors, use only cords that are approved for outdoor use to avoid weather-related damage.
- Always unplug cords carefully, grasping the plug, not the cord, to avoid damage.
- Avoid using homemade extension cords or improperly installed extension cords. Purchase approved extension cords instead.
- Keep cords out of the reach of children and pets to prevent accidents, damage and possible electric shock.
- Further warnings and safety information can be found on the manufacturer’s website.
Manufacturer: Sintron Distribution GmbH, Südring 14, DE-76473 Iffezheim - info@sintron.de